History development linux and the types of linux
In 1969, Ken
Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (also the developer of the C language),
researchers at AT & T Bell Laboratories American, making the UNIX
operating system, the forerunner of Linux. UNIX get great attention because it is the first operating system which is created not by the hardware maker. In addition, because all the source code created with C language, making it easier to transfer to a variety of platforms.
In a short time UNIX growing
rapidly and split into two streams: UNIX developed by the University of
Berkeley and was developed by AT & T. After it started
many companies are involved, and there was a competition that involves
many companies to take control in the field of operating systems. This competition led to the need for standardization. From
this was born the project that was driven by the IEEE POSIX (The
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), which aims to set
the standard UNIX specification. However, these standards do not relieve the competition. Since then, appear various types of UNIX.
One of them was made by the U.S. MINIX Tanenbaum for educational purposes. MINIX
source code is that by Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of
Helsinki, was used as a reference to create a new operating system is
free and the source code can be accessed by the public. The operating system is then given the name Linux. In building Linux, Linus uses tools from the Free Software Foundation's GNU licensed. Then to make Linux a complete operating system, he put the programs that are also licensed under GNU.
Technically and short it can be said, Linux
is an operating system that is multi-user and multitasking, which can
run on various platforms, including INTEL processor 386 and higher. The operating system implements standard POSIX . Linux can interoperate well with other operating systems, including Apple, Microsoft and Novell.
Starting from the Unix operating system
developed and implemented in the 1960s and was first released in 1970. Its
wide availability and portability meant that it can be used, copied and
modified extensively by academic institutions and the business.
Name Li nux itself derived from the initial creator, Linus Torvalds , at the University of Helsinki, Finland which actually refers to the kernel of an operating system. Linux used to be a hobby project done by Linus Torvald 's who drew inspiration from Minix . Minix is a system UNIX
small by Andy Tanenbaum developed in 1987. Minix at the time the project is a lesson in class at the time that the system resembles UNIX .
History of Linux related to GNU . GNU Project
, started in 1984 has a goal to create an operating system that is
compatible with Unix and totally complete and consists of free software.
In 1985, Richard Stallman
founded the Free Software Foundation and developed the GNU General Public License (GNU General Public License or GNU GPL). Most
programs required by an operating system (such as libraries, compilers,
text editors, a Unix shell and window system) were completed in the
early 1990s, although low-level elements such as device drivers, and
kernel daemon still not completed at the time .
12:01 Linux version done around August 1991 . Then on the 5th October 1991, Linus announced the official version of Linux, which can run a 0:02 which only bash ( GNU Bourne Again Shell ) and gcc (GNU C Compiler).
Now Linux is a system UNIX is complete, can be used to network (networking), software development, and even for day-to-day. Linux
has been used in various domains, from embedded systems to
supercomputers, and have had a secure position in the web application
server installation LAMP her popular. Linux
is an alternative OS that is now much cheaper when compared to a
commercial OS, with Linux skills are equal even the operating system
environment includes:
- Hundreds of programs including, compilers, interpreters, editors and utilities
- Assistive devices that support connectivity, Ethernet, SLIP and PPP, and interoperability.
- Reliable software products, including the latest development version.
- Group of developers spread around the world who have been working and making
Linux portable to a new
platform, as well as supporting the diverse needs of the user community
and its location and also acts as its own developer team.
Linux kernel development was
followed by Torvalds, while Stallman heads the Free Software
Foundation, which supports the development of components of GNU . In addition, many individuals and companies who develop components of non-GNU . Linux
communities combine and distribute the kernel, GNU components, and
non-GNU software package management in Linux distributions.
Unlike other commercial products, Linux does not have a logo that looks great, just a penguin bird
that shows a relaxed attitude when walking. This logo has a
unique origin, initially no logo depicting a trademark of Linux up when
Linus (the inventor) on holiday to the south and met with a small and
short-linux inadvertently biting his finger. This makes it a fever for days. The
incident later inspired him to wear the penguin as its logo with user
expectations to fever using the operating system he created this.
TUX , which became the name of a penguin mascot of Linux logo. TUX the work of artist Larry Ewing at Linux developers feel the need to have the trademark logo (1996), and the suggestion of James Hughes was chosen name TUX which means Torvalds Unix . Already full logo of Linux, a penguin by the name of TUX. This trademark registered immediately to avoid counterfeiting. Programs listed as Linux operating system (OS).
Until now that is Linux logo Tux
already well known to many corners of the world. People
are more easily identify the products that smell Linux only with a
unique logo and distant look funny with the collaboration throughout the
Linux community worldwide.
Types of Linux:
1. Debian Linux

Debian is a Linux kind of lesser-known, but many users of technical circles. they satisfied because of its stability. In addition, the format of the program that uses the DEB package is considered more stable than the RPM by teknis. although the lesser-known, but widely used by the expert.versi last released in 1999 was 2.1. Compared with the other Linux, Debian, including the lack of updating program. But the debian had great success with the project, which is making a new Linux distribution that is intended for end-users, which is very familiar in its use. Debian also uses autodetect method for use in computer peripherals. The project will be known as Corel Linux.
And at this point debian linux has reached version 4.1 which. and also the speed and keguanaan of debian is already highly optimized if you want to use it. Very suitable for servers or computers that will be made an admin in a computer company.
2. Redhat Linux

Redhat Linux is Linux is the most popular in Indonesia and the U.S., and specifically designed for the server.. Redhat is recognized as the fastest server other than the linux server. Apart from being the fastest server, Redhat clientmaupun can also be used as a PC desktop / PC standolone. Currently redhat been circulated with version 9.0 can use the Genome and the KDE desktop.
Another advantage possessed by Redhat linux is the ease of installasion. This is a revolutionary Linux. when other linux users initially made desperate, Redhat comes with the easiest installation procedure of its time.
Other revolutionary thing is
that Redhat linux create RPM package format program that became the
gold standard Binner files on Linux, which is then used by other Linux
like SuSE, Mandrake, and Caldera.
3. Mandrake Linux

Mandrake Linux is the younger brother of Redhat Linux, because they are the place of production. When redhat recommended as a server, the client yan mandrake serve as reliable, and preferably using Pentium Processor. Nevertheless it is possible the use of mandrake as a reliable server as well.
The initial purpose of the
creation of Mandrake Linux is to facilitate users in performing
installation and use of Linux itself. Before the release of Corel Lino, Mandrake Linux distribution that is most familiar. If Redhat out manaer using Gnome desktop, then inux Mandrake out with the KDE desktop manager made SuSE Germany. Mandrake Linux now has come out with version 10.0. And
you also can not just use the KDE desktop only, but you can also use
the Gnome desktop so that users can not use the KDE desktop can use the
Gnome desktop or vice versa.
4. Caldera Linux

Caldera Linux is one of the linux to facilitate the use for all its users. Caldera itself is designed with the overall look of the graphics. Since then we did this Caldera linux installation, until we did it all done with Hardware Settings graphical display. the
most remarkable of these is a Caldera Linux when installing Linux
Caldera we do this, we treated tetris game to fill spare time, while
waiting for transfer program running.
Additionally Caldera is the first linux that uses Auto-Detect Hardware (such as plug and play on Mac).
5. Slackware Linux

Slackware was the first Linux distribution, which has suffered during the recent heyday few people who know Linux. For Linux users seniors, Slackware is a Linux distribution that is full of challenges. Slackware comes with a very simple model, unlike other Linux distributions. Slackware
is a pure linux distribution, meaning epoch appearance very similar to
UNIX (UNIX Clone), making the user feel like using pure UNIX.
For those who want a
challenge and want to be Linuxer reliable, or sometimes referred to as a
sysadmin, slackware is the answer. You will never get such
ease halnyajika we use another Linux distribution because slackware
everything is manual and without graphics. The latest version of slackware are known by the authors is version 7.1.
6. SuSE Linux

If Redhat Linux is the most
popular type in the United States and in Indonesia, the Linux SuSE Linux
is the most widely used by countries in Europe. SuSE comes with Desktop Manager, known as KDE. It
also has tools for the central setting called YaST (Yet another settup
Tools) which is very easy to use for the internal system and network
configuration and security.
Most proud of this distribution is the completeness of the application program. If you buy SuSE Linux for USD 50.00, you will receive 5 CDs and 1 CD source program. So you no longer need to bother downloading other programs. One
well-known program that is included is a Saint (program to examine the
weaknesses ceah system) and VMWare (useful emulator program running
other operating systems such as: Windows 9.x, Windows 2000, Windows NT,
OS, Novel, and Other). Beowulf is one more program, a joint
experimental project at the University of Germany to make a super
computer that combines a CPU 1000 tercepet 1 server ever. This project was also made in the NASA-USA, for the sake of space mapping. Currently SuSE Version 7.0 has come up with truly graphics oriented, start from installation to configuration procedures.
Who boasts, SuSE Linux is the first to include a type of Indonesian and choice of language used in the Linux Operating system.. Manufacturing documentation led by I Made Wiryana.
7. Corel Linux

Corel Linux is a Linux-based operating system created by a Linux distribution, which is Debian. Corel Linux as Linux, the operating system supports naunan system is open source under the GNU. Corel Linux Via the internet you can buy at a price that is very affordable, much of the price of other linux OS.
Corel Linux can be directly installed with or without an operating system to another. Corel
Linux can also be installed on the windows partition and file system,
which makes Corel Linux as if it is a Windows application program.
one of the highlights of Corel Linux is all the graphics department. Corel Linux is also designed as an end-user. At Corel Linux semuaya grafi paced, beginning at the time of installation procedure to boot the system. You will not find any basis in the text as other Linux, or even Windows is still the base text. Linux Dicorel all serbadisederhanakan. even to the setting network easier than on the network settings in Windows.
Will tatapi a little short on Corel Linux, especially for users who are already proficient. They will binging with all-round display graphics provided by Corel Linux.
8. Turbo Linux

Turbo Linux is Linux is well-known and popular in Asia. Even in Japan and China were the famous Linux, Turbo Linux distributions ranked first option. Turbo Linux is made of various under Linux / UNIX, both commercial and freeware for the benefit of Besa-scale networks. The
vendor claims their party as the current fastest Linux with backup from
the agency, the current-leading companies, such as Compaq, Dell,
Fujitsu, Intel, NEC, Tishiba, Novel, and the SCO. As with
SuSE Linux Tuurbo specializes in the field of computer clustering, the
equivalent of a super computer in Germany for the benefit of the network
in China and Japan. Even in China, Turbo Linux adapted as
their main computer system, and promoted in the Chinese language to the
people in order to compete with the dominance of Microsoft.
9. Ubuntu Linux
Ubuntu Linux is one of the species that exist in the world of Linux. Ubuntu Linux is a new distribution company where hearts get Linux users especially for Debian mania. How Ubuntu did not have more advantages than debian itself. Ubuntu
offers all the advantages possessed by Debian coupled with regular
updates every 3 months, which is very much community support, abundant
financial support, you can even get a free CD installer. Ubuntu
is an ancient word from Africa which means "Humanity towards other"
which roughly translates to is humanity to help others. The purpose of this project is to create a Desktop Operating System is free to support the application and documentation. This project is sponsored by Canonical Ltd.
GNOME-based Ubuntu and for those of you who prefer KDE K ubuntu Linux you can choose. Although
both these distributions look different but they both came out of the
"factory" of the same and of course both these distributions has
advantages and disadvantages of each. If you prefer the
look of the typical "Mac OS" Ubuntu but you can use more if you like the
look of the "somewhat" similar to the Windows [even better in my
opinion than Windows] you can use Kubuntu but if you just want to make
your computer as your server can use one of them as essentially "base
system" they are the same [just different Desktop Manager and additional
applications only].
[K] Ubuntu Linux comes in 2 versions, and versions Install LiveCD version. You
can use the LiveCD version if you do not want to install it into the
computer, simply input the LiveCD into your CD-ROM drive, booting from
CD-ROM drive so you can enjoy Linux. Of course this LiveCD
has many limitations because of all the changes that you made will be
immediately lost when the computer is turned off and of course
flexibility LiveCD will very much when compared to the version to
install it. [K] Ubuntu Linux 3 is also present in the computer architecture: Intel x86, PowerPC and AMD64. Now
Ubuntu has come with the latest version of version 7.4 which was issued
April 19, 2007 to be exact, and according to reports I get that the
longer the latest version 7.10 will be released on the 18th October
Terimakasih banyak, sangat berguna😊